Handelsbezeichnung | Wissenschaftliche Namen |
tilápia | Oreochromis |
tintahal | |
tonhal | Thunnus |
tonmakréla | Auxis thazard |
törpe tőkehal | Trisopterus minutus |
törpeharcsa | |
trópusi hekk | Merluccius polli |
tündöklőhal | Lampris guttatus |
tüskéscápa | Squalus acanthias |
vágótok (Protected fish species may only be placed on the market in accordance with the provisions of the nature conservation legislation, imports from third countries require a CITES license and only products from aquaculture production can be placed on the market) | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii |
vajhal | Peprilus |
valódi kalmár | Loligo |
vékonybajszú tőkehal | Merlangus merlangus Synonym für Merlangius merlangus |
vénuszkagyló | |
veresszárnyú koncér | Rutilus rutilus |
viktória tavi tilápia | Oreochromis niloticus |
villás tőkehal | Phycis blennoides |
villásfarkú abroncshal | |
viza (Protected fish species may only be placed on the market in accordance with the provisions of the nature conservation legislation, imports from third countries require a CITES license and only products from aquaculture production can be placed on the market) | Huso huso |
vörös álsügér | Sebastes marinus Synonym für Sebastes norvegicus |
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