Commercial designations
Commercial designation | Scientific names |
Brosme | Brosme brosme |
Brotula | Brotula barbata |
Buckellachs | Oncorhynchus gorbuscha |
Buckelschnapper | Lutjanus gibbus |
Bummalo | Harpadon nehereus |
Buntbarsch | |
Bunte Kammmuschel |
Butt | Platichthys flesus |
Butterfisch | |
Buttermakrele | |
Camarones (also with the indication of the geographic origin) | Heterocarpus |
Capelin | Mallotus villosus |
Chile-Garnele | Haliporoides diomedeae |
Chile-Seehecht | Merluccius gayi |
Chile-Shrimp | Haliporoides diomedeae |
Chilenische Garnele | Haliporoides diomedeae |
Chilenische Königskrabbe | Paralomis granulosa |
Chilenische Schwertmuschel | Ensis macha |
Chilenische Trogmuschel | Mesodesma donacium |
Chilenische Venusmuschel | Ameghinomya antiqua |
Data sources
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