Commercial designations
Commercial designation | Scientific names |
Tiger-Prawns | Penaeus monodon |
Tigerforelle | Salmo trutta fario x Salvelinus fontinalis |
Tigerwels | Pseudoplatystoma |
Tigerwelskreuzung | Pseudoplatystoma spp. x Leiarius marmoratus |
Tilapia | |
Tintenfisch | |
Tintenfisch (also with the indication of the geographic origin) | |
Tomaten-Zackenbarsch | Cephalopholis sonnerati |
Tonkinsinesische Reisfeldkrabbe | Somanniathelphusa sinensis |
Torpedo-Stachelmakrele | Megalaspis cordyla |
Trepang | |
Trogmuschel | |
Tropenzunge (also with the indication of the geographic origin) | Cynoglossus |
Tropischer Steinbutt | |
Trüsche | Lota lota |
Turbanschnecke | |
Türkischer Flusskrebs | Astacus leptodactylus |
Uferschnecke | Littorina littorea |
Ukelei | Alburnus alburnus |
Umberfisch |
Data sources
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