
Commercial designations

Commercial designation Scientific names
Olievis Ruvettus pretiosus
Olympia oester Ostrea lurida
Ombervis Argyrosomus regius
Oostelijke nawaga Eleginus gracilis
Oostzeegarnaal Palaemon adspersus
Oostzeehouting Coregonus lavaretus
Ovale strandschelp Spisula elliptica
Pacifische Haring Clupea pallasii synonym for Clupea pallasii pallasii
Pacifische heek Merluccius productus
Pacifische heilbot Hippoglossus stenolepis
Pacifische kabeljauw Gadus macrocephalus
Pacifische schol Lepidopsetta bilineata
Pacifische zalm
Pacifische zeilvis Istiophorus platypterus
Pakoesi Myleus ternetzi
Paling Anguilla anguilla
Pandora Pagellus erythrinus
Panga zeebrasem Pterogymnus laniarius
Pangasius meerval Pangasius

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