
Commercial designations

Commercial designation Scientific names
Reuze strandschelp Spisula solidissima
Reuzehaai Cetorhinus maximus
Reuzenzeebaars Stereolepis gigas
Riddervis Salvelinus alpinus synonym for Salvelinus alpinus alpinus
Rietvoorn Rutilus erypthrophtalmus
Riviergrondel Gobio gobio
Rivierprik Lampreta fluviatilis
Rode Argentijnse garnaal Pleoticus muelleri
Rode beryx Beryx splendens
Rode diepzeegarnaal Aristaoemorpha foliacea
Rode heek Urophycis chuss
Rode kabeljauw Pseudophysis bachus
Rode koningsklip Genypterus chilensis
Rode mul Mullus barbatus synonym for Mullus barbatus barbatus
Rode poon Trigla lucerna synonym for Chelidonichthys lucerna
Rode schorpioenvis Scorpaena scrofa
Rode snapper Lutjanus sebae
Rode zeebrasem Pagellus bogaraveo
Rog Raja
Ronde haring Etrumeus teres synonym for Etrumeus sadina

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