
Commercial designations

Commercial designation Scientific names
tobiskung Hyperoplus lanceolatus
toffelkräfta Thenus orientalis
tonfisk Thunnus thynnus
tonggol Thunnus tonggol
torsk Gadus morhua
transkeilangust Panulirus homarus
tunga Solea solea
tungevar Arnoglossus laterna
tunnina Euthynnus alletteratus
turkisk smalklokräfta Astacus leptodactylus
uer Sebastes marinus synonym for Sebastes norvegicus
uvak Gadus ogac
valthornssnäcka Buccinum undatum
vannameiräka Litopenaeus vannamei synonym for Penaeus vannamei
vassbuk Sprattus sprattus
vikhummer Metanephrops boschmai
vikkammussla Argopecten irradians
vimma Vimba vimba
vit grouper Epinephelus aeneus

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