
Commercial designations

Commercial designation Scientific names
Brosme Brosme brosme
Brotula Brotula barbata
Buckellachs Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Buckelschnapper Lutjanus gibbus
Bummalo Harpadon nehereus
Bunte Kammmuschel
Butt Platichthys flesus
Camarones (also with the indication of the geographic origin) Heterocarpus
Capelin Mallotus villosus
Chile-Garnele Haliporoides diomedeae
Chile-Seehecht Merluccius gayi
Chile-Shrimp Haliporoides diomedeae
Chilenische Garnele Haliporoides diomedeae
Chilenische Königskrabbe Paralomis granulosa
Chilenische Schwertmuschel Ensis macha
Chilenische Trogmuschel Mesodesma donacium
Chilenische Venusmuschel Ameghinomya antiqua

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