
Kommersiella beteckningar

Kommersiell beteckning Vetenskapliga namn
tilápia Oreochromis
tonhal Thunnus
tonmakréla Auxis thazard
törpe tőkehal Trisopterus minutus
trópusi hekk Merluccius polli
tündöklőhal Lampris guttatus
tüskéscápa Squalus acanthias
vágótok (Protected fish species may only be placed on the market in accordance with the provisions of the nature conservation legislation, imports from third countries require a CITES license and only products from aquaculture production can be placed on the market) Acipenser gueldenstaedtii
vajhal Peprilus
valódi kalmár Loligo
vékonybajszú tőkehal Merlangus merlangus synonymen för Merlangius merlangus
veresszárnyú koncér Rutilus rutilus
viktória tavi tilápia Oreochromis niloticus
villás tőkehal Phycis blennoides
villásfarkú abroncshal
viza (Protected fish species may only be placed on the market in accordance with the provisions of the nature conservation legislation, imports from third countries require a CITES license and only products from aquaculture production can be placed on the market) Huso huso
vörös álsügér Sebastes marinus synonymen för Sebastes norvegicus


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