IngliżDark brown to black in color, occasionally with an orange cast (Ref 5222); color in market is dark brown without distinguishing marks (Ref. 89707); Inside of this grouper's mouth ranges from light pink to crimson. Juveniles have a white border on the caudal fin (Ref. 37816); further characterized by having relatively deep body; greatest depth 2.1-2.4 in SL; width 2.3-2.8 times in depth (Ref. 89707); truncate caudal fin; longest pectoral rays fifth or sixth (Ref. 90102); head length 2.5-2.7 times in SL; convex interorbital area; dorsal head profile steep, straight or slightly concave along the snout and distinctly convex from eye to dorsal fin; preorbital depth 6.5-9.2 times in HL; finely serrate preopercle, fleshy lower edge; smooth subopercle and interopercle or with minute serrae; opercle with three flat spines, middle one closer to the lower spine; upper edge of operculum convex; posterior nostril round or oval; maxilla reaches past eye; ventro-posterior corner of maxilla with distinct bony protuberance; slender supramaxilla; small canine at front of jaws, none elsewhere; 2-4 rows of small slender teeth at side of lower jaw; presence of palatine teeth; well-developed scaly flap of skin joining upper pectoral-fin rays to body; pectoral fins asymmetrical; pelvic fins subequal to pectoral fins, reaching to or beyond anus; caudal fin with 8 branched rays and 9 procurrent rays in upper part and 7 branched rays and 8 procurrent rays in lower part; body scales ctenoid, with auxiliary scales (Ref. 89707).
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiKannella skur biex iswed fil-kulur, kultant bl-oranġjo fondut (Ref tal 5222); kulur fis-suq hija kannella skur mingħajr distinzjoni marki (Ref. 89707); Fl-din grouper ħalq tvarja minn roża tad-dawl għal krimżi. Frieħ jkollhom fruntiera abjad fuq l-denb (Ref. 37816); ukoll karatterizzata minn wara li korp relattivament fonda; Fond akbar 2.1-2.4 fl-SL; wisgħa 2.3 - 2.8 darbiet fil-fond (Ref. 89707); bil-ponta maqtugħa denb; l-itwal pettorali raġġi ħames jew sitt (Ref. 90102); tul ewlieni 2.7 - 2.5 darbiet fl-SL; żona interorbitali sat konvessi; profil prinċipali dorsali wieqfa, dritta jew ftit konkavi matul il-geddum u b'mod distint konvessi mill-għajn biex gangliji ġwienaħ; Fond preorbital 6.5 - 9.2 darbiet f ' HL; Itħan serrate preopercle, it-tarf t'isfel imlaħħam; lixxi subopercle u interopercle jew ma serrae minuta; opercle bi tliet spines flat, qrib wieħed fin-nofs għall-ispina aktar baxx; xifer ta operculum konvessi; nostril posterjuri tonda jew ovali; maxilla jilħaq tal-passat għajn; ventro-posterjuri kantuniera tal-maxilla ma protuberanzi bony distinti; supramaxilla b'zokk; canine żgħar fuq quddiem tal-xedaq, xejn x'imkien ieħor; 2-4 ringieli ta ' snien rqiq żgħar fil-ġenb tal-xedaq t'isfel; preżenza ta ' snien palatine; żviluppati sew faldi tas tal-ġilda li tgħaqqad upper mhux denbu raġġi lill-korp; mhux xewk assimetriku; subequal tax-xewk huwa li mhux xewk, jintlaħaq sa jew lil hinn mill-anus; denb ma ' raġġi tal 8 u raġġi 9 procurrent f ' naħa u 7 raġġi tal u raġġi procurrent 8 fil-parti t'isfel; korp skali ctenoid, bl-iskali awżiljarju (Ref. 89707).