IngliżDiagnosis: Dorsal rays 69-72, branched except first 14-22 rays; anal rays 47-50, all but branched; caudal rays 18 (uppermost and lowermost two rays simple, middle 12-14 double branched); pelvic rays 5. Lateral-line scales on ocular side 86-88, including 12 anterior to a vertical at upper end of gill opening; scales with 10-14 cteni; scales progressively shorter anteriorly on head and with fewer cteni; 2 rows of scales in narrowest interorbital space, with small scales in 4 or 5 rows extending onto median and anterior edges of eyes. Broad lappet-like cirri on ventral margin of head. Vertebrae 36; dorsal pterygiophores anterior to fourth neural spine 13- I 4 (14 in holotype). Body depth 2.4-2.6 in SL; head length (HL) 4.45-4.5 in SL; upper lip slightly overhanging lower lip when mouth closed; eye diameter 4.05-4.65 in HL; posterior edge of upper eye over middle of lower eye; interorbital space narrow, the least vertical distance separating eyes 12.3-13.3 in HL; lateral line angling upward anteriorly, directed toward dorsal edge of upper eye; ventral edge of lower eye about one-half eye diameter above upper end of gill opening. Caudal peduncle present, its length 8.1-10.8 in HL; longest dorsal ray 1.65-1.7 in HL; caudal fin rounded, 3.85-3.95 in SL. Ocular-side pelvic fin on ventral edge of body and slightly anterior to fin of blind side, the second or third ray longest, 2.3-2.35 in HL, the tip reaching to base of second or third anal rays; small scales extending nearly to dorsal-fin margin anteriorly on both sides, the scale coverage gradually reduced to fifteenth to 20th ray, and absent posteriorly. A thin membranous lengthwise ridge basally on dorsal and anal rays, disappearing posteriorly; a dark brown cirrus occasional on membranous ridges of dorsal rays on ocular side. Color of holotype in alcohol pale yellow with many small black spots and short wavy lines on head and body, that on the lateral line take the form of streaks extending from two to five scales (Ref
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiDjanjosi: Raġġi dorsali 69-72, tal ħlief l-ewwel raġġi ta ' 14-22; raġġi Anal 47-50, kollha imma tal; raġġi kawdjali 18 (raġġi żewġ trasversi u ożoni sempliċi, Nofsani tal doppju 12-14); raġġi pelviku 5. Tal-linja laterali mwieżen fuq naħa okulari 86-88, inkluża l-12 tax vertikali f'tarf upper tal-garġi ftuħ; mwieżen b cteni 10-14; skali iqsar progressivament anteriorly fuq ras u ma cteni inqas; 2 ir-ringieli ta ' l-iskali fl-ispazju interorbitali sat idjaq, bl-iskali żgħar fir-ringieli 4 jew 5 li testendi għal fuq il-punt medjan u truf anterjuri ta ' l-għajnejn. Wiesgħa li jixbħu d-lappet cirri fuq marġini bridges tal-Kap. Ċervikali 36; pterygiophores tad-dahar tax-ispina ir-raba ' tan-nervituri 13 - I 4 (14 fl-holotype). Korp Fond 2.4-2.6 fl-SL; it-tul (HL) 4.45-4.5 tar-ras fl-SL; lip upper ftit tesporġa fuq it lip t'isfel meta ħalq magħluq; l-għajn ta ' dijametru 4.05-4.65 f'el; tarf posterjuri ta ' l-għajnejn upper matul in-nofs ta ' l-għajn aktar baxx; l-ispazju interorbitali sat dejjaq, id-distanza vertikali inqas separazzjoni għajnejn 12.3-13.3 f'el; linja laterali inettati fuq anteriorly, tkun diretta lejn it-tarf dorsali tal-għajnejn għolja; tarf bridges ta ' l-għajnejn t'isfel madwar nofs għajnejn dijametru fuq naħa tal-ftuħ tal-garġi. Kawdjali ma preżenti, it-tul tiegħu 8.1-10.8 f ' HL; itwal dorsali ray 1.65-1.7 f'el; denb smina, 3.85-3.95 fl-SL. In-naħa tal-okulari huwa ġwienaħ fuq tarf bridges tal-korp u ftit qabel is-ġwienaħ tal-ġenb ta ' l-għomja, -ray it-tieni jew it-tielet l-itwal, 2.3-2.35 f'el, il-ponta li jintlaħaq jibbażaw tar-raġġi anal it-tieni jew tielet; skali żgħar li testendi kważi għal marġini dorsali denbu anteriorly fuq iż-żewġ naħat, il-kopertura ta ' l-iskala gradwalment imnaqqas għal ħmistax li ray 20, u assenti posteriorly. A rqiqa ridge mit-tul membranous basally fuq raġġi dorsali u anal, jisparixxu posteriorly; a fid-dlam kannella cirrus okkażjonali fuq ħniek membranous tar-raġġi dorsali fuq naħa okulari. Il-kulur ta ' l-holotyp