Diagnosis: Dorsal rays 77-78: anal rays 58-59. Lateral-line scales 78-83. Vertebrae 37-38; dorsal pterygiophores anterior to fourth neural spine 12. Body depth 2.0-2.4 in SL; head length (HL) 3.9-4.15 in SL: eye diameter 6.1-6.35 in HL; upper eye from directly above lower eye to overlapping anterior two-thirds of lower eye; interorbital space equal to one-half to three-fourths eye diameter. Caudal peduncle absent. Upper lip not overhanging lower jaw when mouth closed. Very fine cirri on ventral edge of head. Lateral line aligned with ventral third of upper eye> Longest dorsal ray 1.8 in HL; caudal fin rounded to slightly pointed; its length 4.7-5.25 in SL; longest pelvic ray 3.1-3.2 in HL, the tip reaching base of second anal ray. Ocular side mottled brown: scale edges dark brown to black; large irregular blackish blotches, the most prominent comprising 4 below base of dorsal fin. 3 on lateral line, and 2 above posterior half of anal fin. Lateral line as a broken black line (Ref. 57560).