This species is distinguished from its congeners in Turkey and the Aegean basin by possessing a lower lip without median lobe (vs. present) and a longer and pointed snout. It is further distinct by having the following characters (none unique to the species): medium body size (up to 35.0 cm SL); specimens over 10.0 cm SL have large and many irregular dark brown spots on the back, as well as on the flanks, but none on the head; some smaller specimens lack the dark brown spots; fleshy lips; lower lip with no median lobe but with two small notches and a squarish fleshy median pad; lateral line scales 53-62; scale rows between the lateral line and the dorsal-fin origin 11-13 and between the lateral line and the anal-fin origin 7-9; gill rakers on the first gill arch 11-14 (modally 12); the last simple ray of the dorsal fin is moderately ossified, and with 30-34 serrae on the proximal ¾ of the posterior margin; body depth 18.8-24.1 % SL at dorsal-fin origin; head length 27.0-29.8 % SL (Ref. 80049).
Description: D 4 simple, 8.5 branched rays; A 3 simple and 5.5 branched rays; V 1 simple and 8 branched rays (Ref. 80049).