FAO code: ANF

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Commercial designations
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TACs and quotas
Total allowable catches (TACs) or fishing opportunities, are catch limits (expressed in tonnes or numbers) that are set for most commercial fish stocks. TACs are set annually for most stocks (every two years for deep-sea stocks) by the Council of fisheries ministers. TACs are shared between EU countries in the form of national quotas. For each stock a different allocation percentage per EU country is applied for the sharing out of the quotas. Read more: TACs and quotas
Stocks (2021)
ANF/04-N.- Lophiidae
Fishing areas- 27.4 North Sea (Subarea IV) Norwegian waters
TACNot relevantUnion1000.0 tBE37.0 tNL13.0 tDE15.0 tDK935.0 tStocks (2021)
ANF/07.- Lophiidae
Fishing areas- 27.7 Irish Sea, West of Ireland, Porcupine Bank, Eastern and Western English Channel, Bristol Channel, Celtic Sea North and South, and Southwest of Ireland - East and West (Subarea VII)
TAC38123.0 tUnion30033.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom, Union waters of 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (ANF/*8ABDE).DE377.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom, Union waters of 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (ANF/*8ABDE).NL438.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom, Union waters of 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (ANF/*8ABDE).ES1345.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom, Union waters of 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (ANF/*8ABDE).IE2775.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom, Union waters of 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (ANF/*8ABDE).BE3384.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom, Union waters of 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (ANF/*8ABDE).FR21714.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom, Union waters of 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (ANF/*8ABDE).Stocks (2021)
ANF/2AC4-C- Lophiidae
Fishing areas- 27.4 North Sea (Subarea IV) United Kingdom and Union waters
- 27.2.a Norwegian Sea (Division IIa) United Kingdom waters
TAC11972.0 tUnion1644.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 30% may be fished in United Kingdom, Union and international waters of 6a north of 58°30’N (ANF/*6AN58). — Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom waters of 6a south of 58°30’N; United Kingdom and international waters of 5b; International waters of 12 and 14 (ANF/*56-14).FR64.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 30% may be fished in United Kingdom, Union and international waters of 6a north of 58°30’N (ANF/*6AN58). — Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom waters of 6a south of 58°30’N; United Kingdom and international waters of 5b; International waters of 12 and 14 (ANF/*56-14).BE312.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 30% may be fished in United Kingdom, Union and international waters of 6a north of 58°30’N (ANF/*6AN58). — Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom waters of 6a south of 58°30’N; United Kingdom and international waters of 5b; International waters of 12 and 14 (ANF/*56-14).DK688.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 30% may be fished in United Kingdom, Union and international waters of 6a north of 58°30’N (ANF/*6AN58). — Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom waters of 6a south of 58°30’N; United Kingdom and international waters of 5b; International waters of 12 and 14 (ANF/*56-14).DE336.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 30% may be fished in United Kingdom, Union and international waters of 6a north of 58°30’N (ANF/*6AN58). — Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom waters of 6a south of 58°30’N; United Kingdom and international waters of 5b; International waters of 12 and 14 (ANF/*56-14).NL236.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 30% may be fished in United Kingdom, Union and international waters of 6a north of 58°30’N (ANF/*6AN58). — Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom waters of 6a south of 58°30’N; United Kingdom and international waters of 5b; International waters of 12 and 14 (ANF/*56-14).SE8.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 30% may be fished in United Kingdom, Union and international waters of 6a north of 58°30’N (ANF/*6AN58). — Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in United Kingdom waters of 6a south of 58°30’N; United Kingdom and international waters of 5b; International waters of 12 and 14 (ANF/*56-14).Stocks (2021)
ANF/56-14- Lophiidae
Fishing areas- 27.14 East Greenland (Subarea XIV) international waters
- 27.6 Rockall, Northwest Coast of Scotland and North Ireland, (the Northwest Coast of Scotland and North Ireland also known as the West of Scotland) (Subarea VI)
- 27.5.b Faeroes Grounds (Division Vb) United Kingdom and international waters
- 27.12 North of Azores (Subarea XII) international waters
TAC6377.0 tUnion3889.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 20 % may be fished in: United Kingdom and Union waters of 2a and 4 (ANF/*2AC4C).DE230.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 20 % may be fished in: United Kingdom and Union waters of 2a and 4 (ANF/*2AC4C).IE562.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 20 % may be fished in: United Kingdom and Union waters of 2a and 4 (ANF/*2AC4C).FR2485.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 20 % may be fished in: United Kingdom and Union waters of 2a and 4 (ANF/*2AC4C).ES216.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 20 % may be fished in: United Kingdom and Union waters of 2a and 4 (ANF/*2AC4C).NL194.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 20 % may be fished in: United Kingdom and Union waters of 2a and 4 (ANF/*2AC4C).BE202.0 tSpecial condition: of which up to 20 % may be fished in: United Kingdom and Union waters of 2a and 4 (ANF/*2AC4C).Stocks (2021)
ANF/8ABDE.- Lophiidae
Fishing areas- 27.8.d Bay of Biscay / Offshore (Division VIIId)
- 27.8.b Bay of Biscay / Central (Division VIIIb)
- 27.8.e West of Bay of Biscay (Division VIIIe)
- 27.8.a Bay of Biscay / North (Division VIIIa)
TAC10215.0 tUnion10215.0 tES1556.0 tFR8659.0 tStocks (2021)
ANF/8C3411- Lophiidae
Fishing areas- 34.1.1 Morocco Coastal Union waters
- 27.9 Portuguese Waters (Subarea IX)
- 27.8.c Bay of Biscay / South (Division VIIIc)
- 27.10 Azores Grounds (Subarea X)
TAC3672.0 tUnion3521.0 tPT584.0 tFR3.0 tES2934.0 t -
Scientific nameLophiidaeRankFamilyFAO codeANFTaxonomic classification
- ClassActinopterygii
- OrderLophiiformes
- FamilyLophiidae
- OrderLophiiformes
- ClassActinopterygii
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