This species is distinguished by the following set of characters: D 72-75 and A 52-59; all rays unbranched; lateral-line scales 70-75; lateral line on ocular side of head with 3 short branches; vertebrae 38; dorsal pterygiophores anterior to fourth neural spine 9-10; body is slender, depth 2.75 in SL; caudal peduncle absent; head short, 5.1 in SL in length; eyes small, the eyeball diameter 7.6 in HL; tubular anterior nostril is short, broad, and not tapering; longest dorsal ray 1.55 in HL; caudal fin 4.15 in SL; ocular-side pelvic fin anterior to blind-side fin; pelvic fins are joined by a membrane posteriorly and to base of genital papilla; pelvic fins short, just reaching first anal ray, 2.2 in HL, alcohol preserved color of ocular side light brown with groups of small dark brown spots and short lines forming large indistinct dark blotches in three series: dorsal, midlateral, and ventral; fins are pale yellowish except for a few posterior dorsal and anal rays with a basal dark brown streak (Ref. 7578).