ΑγγλικάDiagnosis: Dorsal rays 74-75. unbranched; anal rays 53-54. unbranched; caudal rays 18 (uppermost and lowermost 2 rays simple. Middle 12 double-branched); pelvic rays 5, unbranched. Lateral-line scales on ocular side 78-79. including 9 anterior to a vertical at upper end of gill opening. Scales of ocular side of body with 12-16 cteni; scales anteriorly on head progressively shorter. With fewer cteni, modified to small flattened papillae, each with a small flat brown cirrus in zone anteriorly on snout; no broad lappet-like cirri at front of snout or on ventral edge of head, instead cylindrical cirri of variable size, the longest less than pupil diameter; well-spaced slender cirri on opercular edge of gill opening on both sides. Vertebrae 38; dorsal pterygiophores anterior to fourth neural spine 11-13. Body depth 2.3-2.35 in SL; head length (HL) 4.35-4.5 in SL. Snout slightly overhanging lower lip when mouth closed. Lateral line directed anteriorly toward dorsal edge of upper eye. Eye diameter 6.4-6.8 in HL; upper eye overlapping anterior one-half to three-fourths of lower eye; least vertical interorbital space 8.3-8.6 in HL. Upper end of gill opening at level of ventral edge of lower eye. Caudal peduncle absent; depth at base of caudal fin 1.5-1.65 in HL. Longest dorsal ray 1.45 in HL; caudal fin rounded. 5.1-5.8 in SL; ocular-side pelvic fin on ventral edge of body, its base slightly anterior to that of fin of blind side; third pelvic ray longest, 2.0--2.8 in HL, the tip reaching base of second anal ray; lengthwise membranous ridge on dorsal rays of both sides, progressively reduced posteriorly. Small scales on about basal half of membranous ridge of anterior dorsal rays of ocular side; edge of membranous ridge of about first 15 blind-side dorsal rays with prominent cirri. Color of ocular side in alcohol light brown, the scale edges darker than centers, with faint irregular dark-edged pale markings over head and body, and very irregular dark brown blotches. Most much