Diagnosis: last simple dorsal-fin ray smooth on hind margin; scale formula 4.5/26-28/3.5-4.5; 2.5 scales between lateral line and pelvic-fin base; 9-10 scales around caudal peduncle; 7-8 branched dorsal fin rays; two pairs of long and subequal barbels; anterior barbel reaching to, or extending beyond, posterior half of eye/extending beyond hind margin of eye; posterior barbel extending beyond hind margin of eye; in smaller ones, anterior pair reaching only to posterior half of eye; lateral line complete and depressed below dorsal fin, descending from midline of sides by about half a scale; maximum reported size 51 mm SL; no black spot on dorsal fin; more or less distinct dark band along sides; no dark band on back (Ref. 2940, 81282).
Description: dorsal profile slightly convex; head pointed; medium-sized species; dorsal profile rounded, slightly depressed at nape; mouth subinferior; D: III,8; A: III,5; P: I,13-14; V: I,7 (Ref. 2940, 81282).
Coloration: black band running along middle of sides, from snout to end of caudal peduncle; scales above lateral line dark-edged, back in general darker; scales below lateral line unpigmented; edges of lateral-line scales usually with a short vertical bar (Ref. 2940, 81282).