Diagnosis: mouth subinferior; two pairs of barbels, anterior pair 1-1.3x eye diameter, posterior pair 1.67-2x; lateral line complete; 24-27 scales in lateral line; 12 scales around caudal peduncle; last simple ray of dorsal fin ossified and serrated; 3-5 small black spots on sides (Ref. 81639).
Description: medium-sized; scales with divergent striae; 4.5-5.5 scales between lateral line and dorsal fin origin; 4.5-5.5 scales between lateral line and mid-belly; 3-3.5 scales between lateral line and pelvic fin insertion; D:III,7-8; A:III,5; dorsal fin with slightly concave border, last simple ray slightly ossified, serrated posteriorly, measuring 0.75-0.8x HL (Ref. 81639).
Coloration: body ground color olive-brown or greyish dorsally on flanks, yellowish ventrally; 3-5 small black spots, rounded on flanks, longitudinally arranged in a line; scales with dark border; fins clear (Ref. 81639).