Diagnosis: last simple ray partly ossified at base (no strong spine) and distinctly longer than head; lower lip poorly developed, not forming a mental lobe, sometimes rubber-lipped; 10 dorsal fin branched rays; scale formula 4.5/24/3.5; 2 scales between lateral line and pelvic-fin base; 12 scales around caudal peduncle (Ref. 2940, 81282).
Description: deep body (depth 40% of SL); mouth broad and rounded, without mental lobe, somewhat similar to that of B. wurtzi; barbels moderately developed; largest dorsal-fin ray is first branched ray; species is only known from type specimen measuring 230 mm SL; D:III,10; A:III,5; P:15; V:I,8 (Ref. 2940, 81282).
Coloration: body light brown in preserved type (Ref. 2940, 81282).