BéarlaThis species is made distinct by the following characters: interorbital width narrow, 6.3-7.7 times in HL, 1.2-1.7 shorter than horizontal orbit diameter; large eyes, orbit 4.5-5.6 times in HL and 2.1-2.7 in snout length; posterior edge of maxilla extending below 1/2-2/3 of the orbit diameter; a row of rakers on lower part of 1st gill arch on the outer side of ceratobranchial; first dorsal fin very high, 2.9-4 times in SL, with 2nd or 3rd spine longest; fin membrane of D1 not reaching tips of longest spines; well separated dorsal fins, posterior edge of D1 fin membrane not reaching 1st ray base of D2; rounded bony plates usually absent from anterior part of median lateral line; tuberculation on frontals and on anterior dorsal spines very faint or absent, absent on maxilla, dentary and branchiostegals (Ref. 80896).