IngliżDistinguished from Craterocephalus marianae and Craterocephalus munroi
and all other members of the genus by a combination of the following: head 3.0-3.4 (3.1); greatest body depth 3.6-4.7 (4.1); least body depth 8.8-11.0 00.0); origin of pectoral fin to anus 2.7-3.1 (2.9), all in SL. Dorsal process of premaxilla 1.1-1.70.4 in eye. Midlateral scale count 28-30 (29.1); transverse scale count 5.5-6.5 (6.0); vertebral count 30-32 (31.4). Position of anus in relation to tip of pelvic fin from 0.5 scales in front to 2 scales behind tip of pelvic fin. Differs osteologically from all other Craterocephalus species by a combination of the following: shape of anterior medial process of maxilla; lack of interdorsal pterygiophores (but shared with some other members of C. eyresii group); minute anterior process usually present on cleithrum; dorsal process of cleithrum also present; basisphenoid short and thick. Differs genetically from Craterocephalus marianae at the following loci: ADA, CK, FDP, GPI-l,MPI, PGM and from C. munroi at CK, FDP, GLDH, GPI-l, MPI, PGM. Unique at GPI-lf (Ref. 26703).
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiDistinti minn Craterocephalus marianae u Craterocephalus munroi u l-Membri l-oħra kollha tal-ġeneru mill-kombinazzjoni ta ' dawn li ġejjin: ras 3.0-3.4 (3.1); akbar korp fond 3.6-4.7 (4.1); inqas korp fond 8.8-11.0 00.0); oriġini tal-ġwienaħ mhux biex anus 2.7-3.1 (2.9), kollha fil-proċess ta ' l-gangliji tal-SL. tal-premaxilla 1.1-1.70.4 fil-għajn. Għadd ta ' skala midlateral 28-30 (29.1); għadd ta ' skala trasversali 5.5-6.5 (6.0); għadd vertebral 30-32 (31.4). Pożizzjoni ta ' l-anus b'relazzjoni biex taqleb tal-ġwienaħ huwa minn 0.5 mwieżen fuq quddiem għall-iskali 2 wara l-ponta tal-ġwienaħ huwa. Tkun differenti osteologically minn kull speċi oħra Craterocephalus mill-kombinazzjoni ta ' dawn li ġejjin: għamla ta ' proċess medika anterjuri ta maxilla; in-nuqqas ta ' pterygiophores interdorsal (imma ixxerjat ma xi Membri oħra tal-grupp C. eyresii ); proċess anterjuri minuta normalment preżenti fuq cleithrum; proċess tad-dahar ta ' l-cleithrum wkoll preżenti; basisphenoid qasir u oħxon. Ġenetikament tvarja minn Craterocephalus marianae fil-loci li ġejjin: ADA, CK, FDP, GPI-l, MPI, PGM u minn C. munroi CK, FDP, GLDH, GPI-l, MPI, PGM. Uniku fil-GPI-lf (Ref. 26703).