This species is distinguished from its only congener Epibulus insidiator by the relatively drab coloration of the male; a prominent black pigment on the pectoral fins of most females (vs. absent); smaller size with slightly longer pectoral fins, 23.1-26.2% SL (vs. 20.5-23.3% SL); genetically as determined by mitochondrial DNA analysis; jaw structure very long, its posterior end nearly reaching origin of pelvic fins, and it is extremely protrusible; D IX, 10; A III, 9; pectoral rays 12; lateral line interrupted, 14-15 + 7-9 scales; gill rakers 16-19 (modally 17); females varying from dark to light brown, gray, yellow, to nearly white, with narrow black bar on scales of body except ventrally and posteriorly; males dark brown to gray or dark greenish on body, the head at least partly green with no black stripe through eye; yellow band in lobes of caudal fin; no black on pectoral fins (Ref. 75789).