angļuFree edge of premaxilla densely covered with minute shagreen denticles. Coronoid process of dentary not rounded as in other Hypoatherina species (Ref. 9760). Body covered by large round scales, head is nude except opercle is covered by scales. Silver white colored body (Ref. 41252).
Description: Characterized by 17-23 predorsal scales; body depth about 5.5 in SL; large eye, about 2.7 in head length; upper jaw extending slightly beyond vertical at front of eye; moderately long and wide ascending process and two short and wide lateral processes in premaxilla; ramus of dentary highly elevated posteriorly; jaws, palatines, vomer, meopterygoids and ectopterygoids with small teeth (Ref. 90102).
Skats Translation
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latviešuPremaxilla brīvo malu blīvi pārklāta ar minūti shagreen denticles. Coronoid process dentary nav noapaļoti kā citas Hypoatherina sugas (sk. 9760). Ķermeņa, ar lielu apaļas skalas, galvu ir pliks, izņemot Svari attiecas opercle. Sudraba balts krāsains ķermeņa (41252. Nr.).
Apraksts: Raksturo 17 23 predorsal skalas; ķermeņa dziļums apmēram 5.5 SL; liels acs, aptuveni 2,7 galvas garums; augšējais žoklis nedaudz pārsniedz aci; priekšas vertikālo mēreni garš un plats augošā procesu un divus īsus un plati sānu procesus premaxilla; ramus, dentary augsti pacelta, posteriorly; žokļi, palatines, Lemesis, meopterygoids un ectopterygoids ar nelielu zobi (90102. Nr.).