engleskiDescription: Body is moderately elongate, its depth 3.1 to 3.4 times the SL. Color of body is yellowish with scattered indistinct dark blotches. The head is brown with light streaks; lips are reddish. The pectoral fin axil is orangish; the basal portion of the center rays is white, the outer edges is yellow. The pelvic and anal fins are white or yellowish. The dorsal and caudal fins are mottled brown or yellow with and orange or reddish edge (Ref. 2295). Distinct convex anterior snout profile but lacks distinctive markings (Ref. 37816). Moderately long snout, 1.7-1.9 in HL. Supratemporal patch 9-11 scales. (Ref. 90102)
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hrvatskiOpis: Tijelo je umjereno otegnuti, dubine 3.1 za 3,4 puta i SL. Boja tijela je žućkasta sa raspršene nejasan tamne mrlje. Glava je smeđa pruge i svjetlo; usne su crvenkaste. Njuške axil je orangish; bazalni dio centra zrake je bijeli, vanjske rubove je žuta. Zdjelice i analne peraje su bijele ili žućkasto. Leđne i repne peraje su išaran smeđi ili žuti s i narančaste ili crvenkaste rub (Ref. 2295). Različita konveksna prednji gubica profil ali nema posebne oznake (Ref. 37816). Srednje duga gubica, 1,7-1,9 u HL. Supratemporal krpa 9-11 vage. (Ref. 90102)