ΑγγλικάDiagnosis: male genital papilla bluntly conical with a narrow flange slightly notched in the middle; jaws enlarged in breeding males, which in this species are normally not less than 30cm TL; scales in lateral line series 31-35, usually 32-33; scales of cheek in 3 full rows; vertebrae 30-32; total number of dorsal rays 28-31. Pectoral fin in adults 34-43% SL (Ref. 2), very long (Ref. 1904). Depth of body 40.5-50.5% SL; color-pattern of non-breeding fish and female always including 3 or 4 conspicuous mid-lateral blotches and a red margin on dorsal and caudal fins; breeding male with red margins broader and brighter and general dark, iridescent purplish-brown color of head, back and flanks, masking the blotches; no series of vertical spots or vertical stripes on caudal fin; nest a simple circular depression (Ref. 2).
Description: deep bodied (Ref. 12524, 13337, 52307, 54048) with a straight profile (Ref. 1887, 2989, 6465, 12524, 13337, 54048). Snout rounded (Ref. 1887, 2989). Small mouth (Ref. 12524, 13337, 13400), extending to between nostril and eye (Ref. 2989). Lower pharyngeal bone slender (Ref. 54096). Teeth slender, not densely crowded (Ref. 2, 54096), the posterior with a marked second cusp or shoulder; inferior vertebral apophysis only on third vertebra; microbranchiospines present on the outer sides of arches 2 to 4; 5-8 scales between bases of pectoral and pelvic fins; caudal fin only scaled at the base (Ref. 2). Caudal fin with 15 rays (Ref. 1904). Adult large males have the posterior rays of the dorsal fin prolonged (Ref. 12524, 13337). Pectoral fin reaching vertical of origin of anal; pelvic fin reaching between vent and anal; caudal fin rounded; scales cycloid (Ref. 1887, 2989).
Coloration: body silvery-grey with upper parts of head and body darker than ventral parts (Ref. 2, 52307). Dorsal fin light green to brown Ref. 12524, 13337). Pectoral (Ref. 1904, 12524, 13337) and pelvic fins light grey ( Ref. 1904) to green; anal fin grey to green at its base (