engleskiSomniosus longus is distinguished from S. rostratus in having a relatively longer second dorsal fin where overall length is almost equal to first dorsal fin 91-100% (vs. 76-88%); slightly larger eye with horizontal diameter more than 37% (mean 46%) of length from snout tip to eye (vs. <37, mean 33%); higher number of tooth rows in upper jaw 56-57 (vs.53); and slightly higher spiral valve counts 26-27 (vs. 23 ) (Ref. 50224).
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hrvatskiSomniosus dugački se razlikuje od S. rostratus u imaju relativno duže druga leđna peraja gdje Ukupna dužina je gotovo jednaka prva leđna peraja 91-100% (naspram 76-88%), nešto veći oko horizontalne promjera više od 37% (srednja 46 posto) od dužina od vrha njuške oku (vs.<37, mean 33%); higher number of tooth rows in upper jaw 56-57 (vs.53); and slightly higher spiral valve counts 26-27 (vs. 23 ) (Ref. 50224). mean="" 33%);="" higher="" number="" of="" tooth="" rows="" in="" upper="" jaw="" 56-57="" (vs.53);="" and="" slightly="" higher="" spiral="" valve="" counts="" 26-27="" (vs.="" 23="" )="" (ref.="">37, mean 33%); higher number of tooth rows in upper jaw 56-57 (vs.53); and slightly higher spiral valve counts 26-27 (vs. 23 ) (Ref. 50224).>