engleskiBody moderately compressed, belly with distinct keel of scutes. Lower jaw steeply rising within mouth; no teeth present at front of jaws; upper jaw with a distinct notch. The only other shad of the Gulf of Mexico has only 20 to 24 gill rakers. Closely resembles A. aestivalis and A. pseudoharengus of Atlantic coasts, but in them the lower jaw rises very steeply in the mouth (Ref. 188).
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hrvatskiTijelo umjereno sažete, trbuh s različita kobilice scutes. Donje čeljusti strmo raste u ustima; bez zuba na prednjem dijelu čeljusti; gornje čeljusti sa različit stepen. Samo čepa u Meksičkom zaljevu ima samo 20 do 24 gill rakers. Sliči A. aestivalis i A. pseudoharengus od Atlantske obale, ali u njima donje čeljusti raste vrlo strmo u usta (Ref. 188).