IngliżMouth rather large, upper jaw reaching to hind margin of eye. Laminae of olfactory rosette 28 to 33. Interpelvic process small and bifid. Body mostly naked behind the well developed corselet except for a band of scales along the bases of dorsal and anal fins and patches around the bases of the pectoral and pelvic fins. Swim bladder absent. The back is deep blue, covered with elongate black spots; the belly is light with several stripes like those of the skipjack tuna.
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Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiĦalq pjuttost kbar, upper xedaq jintlaħaq li billi marġini ta ' l-għajnejn. Laminae ta-rosette olfactory 28 sa 33. Proċess interpelvic żgħar u bifid. Korp prinċiparjament mikxufin wara l-corselet żviluppati tajjeb ħlief għal strixxa ta ' l-iskali matul il-bażijiet ta ' xewk dorsali u anal u patches madwar l-bażijiet tal-mhux u huwa xewk. Għawma bużżieqa assenti. Id-dahar huwa blu fonda, koperti b ' spots iswed twil; -taż-żaqq hija dawl bl-istrixxi diversi bħal dawk tat-tonn qabbieżi.