BéarlaThis species is distinguished by the following characters: unbranched rays D 64-68, A 48-52; lateral-line scales 87-97, median 94; abdominal vertebrae 10, total vertebrae 35-36; dorsal pterygiophores anterior to fourth neural spine 7; body depth 2.35-2.70 in SL; head length 4.25-4.85 in SL; eye diameter 6.90-8.25 in HL; stout papillae (not long slender cirri) on anterior edge of snout and ventral edge of head (visible from above on ocular side); scales on blind side of head replaced by cirri anterior to region just posterior to rear of jaws; straight lateral line midlaterally on both sides, forming three branches on ocular side of head: ventral preopercular branch, vertical dorsal branch nearly to base of dorsal fin, and short horizontal continuation of main lateral line; distinct free fleshy sheath on blind side, extending over front half of lower jaw, including lower lip and sometimes part of upper lip when mouth fully closed; ocular side with about 22-26 irregular, mostly discontinuous, transverse brown bands slightly wider than pale interspaces, and three longitudinal rows of 5-6 large diffuse dark brown spots (Ref. 86741).