IngliżHead profile angular; body less compressed and spots more closely spaced than E. corallicola and E. howlandi (Ref. 37816). Body and median fins with large dark blotches, largest towards the tail (Ref. 48635); further characterized by pale greyish color; head, body and fins with well-spaced dark brown to orange brown spots of unequal size; soft dorsal, anal and caudal fins with narrow white to yellow margin; lower part of head and breast with white blotches; 3-4 black blotches along back; body scales cycloid except ctenoid on lower region below pectoral fins; body with numerous auxiliary scales; greatest depth of body 2.9-3.6 in SL; rounded caudal fin; pelvic fins 1.8-2.4 in head length (Ref. 90102); head length 2.3-2.6 times in SL; flat or slightly concave interorbital area, dorsal head profile of adults with ventral bend at orbits; rounded preopercle, minute serrae mostly covered by skin and shallow indentation just above the angle; straight or slightly convex upper edge of operculum posterior nostril distinctly larger than anterior nostril; maxilla reaches to or past vertical at rear edge of orbit, ventral edge smoothly curved at distal expansion; strongly projecting lower jaw, 2-4 rows of teeth at midlateral part (Ref. 89707).
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiProfil ras angolari; korp inqas kompressat u spots aktar mill-qrib spazjati minn E. corallicola u E. howlandi (Ref. 37816). Korp u xewk medjan ma blotches fid-dlam kbir, akbar lejn id-denb (Ref. 48635); ukoll karatterizzata bil-kulur sfajjar fil-griż; Kap, korp u xewk bil-kannella skur spazjati sew biex it-tikek oranġjo kannella ta ' daqs mhux ugwali; xewk dorsali, anal u kawdjali artab b'inforra bajda dejqa għal marġini isfar; il-parti t'isfel tar-ras u tas-sider ma blotches abjad; 3-4 suwed blotches tul-dahar; skali ta ' korp cycloid ħlief ctenoid fuq ir-reġjun isfel taħt mhux xewk; korp bl-iskali awżiljari numerużi; Fond akbar tal-korp 2.9-3.6 fil-SL; denb ttundjati; huwa xewk 1.8-2.4 fit-tul ewlieni (Ref. 90102); tul ewlieni 2.3 - 2.6 darbiet fl-SL; Flat jew ftit konvessi żona interorbitali sat, profil dorsali prinċipali ta ' l-adulti bl-liwja bridges fil corkscrew; smina preopercle, serrae minuta prinċiparjament koperti mill-ġilda u l-Indentjar baxxi eżatt fuq l-angolu; dritta jew konvess ftit xifer ta operculum nostril posterjuri distintament akbar minn nostril anterjuri; maxilla jilħaq biex jew imgħoddi vertikali fit-tarf fuq wara tal-orbit, tarf bridges bla xkiel fit-tond fuq espansjoni ħofra; xedaq t'isfel sporġenti b'mod qawwi, 2-4 ringieli ta ' snien fil-parti midlateral (Ref. 89707).