angleščinaThis species is a smooth-backed (lacking an interdorsal ridge) shark, with a low first dorsal fin originating over or behind the pectoral fin free rear tip. Adults' first dorsal fin anterior margin (from the origin of the fin to its apex) is as long as the distance from the apex to the free rear tip, so that apex makes an equilateral triangle with its origin and free rear tip; height of the first dorsal fin is about 8-9% of the total length. The second dorsal fin originates over the midpoint of the anal fin base. The caudal fin measures about one fourth of the total length. A series of conspicuous pores (hyomandibular pores) are located behind the eye. The upper teeth have long triangular cusps that become increasingly oblique towards the corners of the mouth, these have a weak notch or lack a notch on their medial edges, and a strong notch on the outer edges. Edges of the first four teeth have coarse serrations from the bases up to the notch and finer serrations from the notch to the tip and these coarse serrations disappear by the fifth or sixth tooth. Subsequent teeth have inner edges with uniform fine serrations from base to tip. The five or six outermost upper teeth have strongly oblique cusps with nearly straight inner margins and a strong notch on the outer margin while the lower teeth are erect and have cusps with a few coarse serrations at their bases and finer serrations towards the tips. Teeth number U:14-1-14; L:13-13. Dermal denticles are characteristic with a central strong ridge terminating in a long point, and two shorter ridges on wing-like sides; dorsal surface of the denticles has a coarse microsculpture. Body color gray above and dirty white below, unmarked fins (Ref. 86285).
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Prevedeno iz angleščine prevedla BING
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slovenščinaTa vrsta je a gladko-backed (manjka interdorsal grebenu) morski pes, z nizko prvi hrbtni plavuti, s poreklom v ali za zadnji nasvet prosta prsnih plavuti. Odraslih prvi hrbtni plavuti sprednjem robu (iz izvora fin za vrh) je tako dolgo razdaljo od vrha do prost zadnji namig, tako da apex je enakostranični trikotnik z njen izvor in prosta zadnji nasvet; višina prvi hrbtni plavuti je približno 8-9 % celotne dolžine. Drugi hrbtni plavuti izvira v sredini osnove podrepna plavut. Repna plavut meri približno eno četrtino celotne dolžine. Vrsto za vidnem pore (hyomandibular pore) se nahajajo v ozadju oči. Zgornji zobje so dolgo trikotni roglja, ki postanejo vse bolj nagnjeno k kotih ust, to so šibka zarezo ali pomanjkanje zarezo na robovih medialno in močno zarezo na zunanjih robovih. Robovi prvih štirih zob so grobe serrations od baze do zareza in lepši serrations od zarezo do vrha in te grobo serrations izginejo po petem ali šestem zob. Poznejše zob so notranji robovi z enotno lep serrations od baze do vrha. Pet ali šest oddaljenih zgornji zobje imajo močno poševno roglja s skoraj naravnost notranje robove in močno zarezo na zunanji rob, medtem ko spodnji zobje so pokončna in roglja z malo grobe serrations na svoje osnove in lepši serrations proti nasvete. Zob številka U:14-1-14; L:13-13. Dermalno denticles so značilne z osrednji močan greben, prekinitev v dolgo točke, in dve krajši grebenov na krilo podobnih straneh; hrbtni površini je denticles je grobo microsculpture. Siva barva telesa zgoraj in umazano bele spodaj, neoznačen plavuti (Ref. 86285).