angleščinaSuperficially this species resembles Pandalus borealis, but is easily distinguished
by its long antennules and red and white striped abdomen. These stripes give the animal its common name of "side stripe" shrimp. The surface of the body is finely punctate. The rostrum is two to two and a half times the length of the rest of the carapace. There are 16 to 21 dorsal spines, three or four of which are on the carapace, those over the eyes are closely placed and on the remainder of the rostrum they are more distant. There are 9 to 15 inferior spines and the extremity of the rostrum is bifid or sometimes trifid. Next to Pandalus platyceros these are the largest shrimps.
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slovenščinaPovršno te vrste Pandalus borealisje podobno, vendar zlahka odlikujejo njegove dolge antennules in rdeče in belo progasti trebuha. Te črte dati živali z navadnim imenom "strani trak" kozice. Površina telesa je fino točkasti. Govorniškega odra je dva do dva in pol krat dolžina preostanek koša. Obstaja 16 do 21 hrbtni bodice, tri ali štiri pa so na koša, starih nad oči tesno postavljeni in na preostanek govorniškega odra so bolj oddaljenih. Obstaja 9 do 15 slabše bodice in skrajne govorniškega odra je bifid ali včasih trifid. Poleg Pandalus platyceros to so največji kozic.