IngliżDiagnosis: dorsal fin slightly higher than long; located more posteriorly than in other Salmo species; caudal fin more forked than other Salmo species; 8-12 round, black spots (parr marks) on sides (Ref. 4904, 52923, 94703, 94704), which are more prominent in juveniles and are retained in adults (Ref. 55619). Low gill raker count and dark spots on sides distinguish it from S. akairos; it differs from S. trutta in slightly lower vertebral count and pyloric caeca counts, and having the parr marks more conspicuous; 10-11 anal fin pterygiophores (Ref. 55619). 14-17 small scales between adipose fin and lateral line (Ref. 1878, 52923, 55619).
Description: eye diameter 3.5-4.5x in HL and 1.0 to 1.25x in interorbital space (Ref. 52923). Double row of vomerine teeth (Ref. 52923, 94703, 94704) in a zigzag pattern (Ref. 1878, 3021, 52923). Well-developed jaw and palatine teeth; maxillary extends to below posterior third of eye or a little beyond posterior margin of eye (Ref. 52923). Head length 4.0-4.5x in TL (Ref. 94703, 94704) or 3.2-4.25x in SL (Ref. 52923). Body depth 3.3-4.3x in SL (Ref. 52923). 13-14 caudal fin upper procurrent rays; 10-12 left side brachiostegals; 13-14 dorsal fin pterygiophores (Ref. 55619). Scale formula 22-27/95-128/28-32 (Ref. 52923). Caudal fin deeply emarginate in young, feebly in adults (Ref. 52923).
Colouration: back is olive-brown, shading to golden-yellow or yellowish-white beneath (Ref. 1878, 4904, 52923). Small black (red in life) spots on both sides of body (35-40 on each side) similar to other Salmo species (Ref. 94703, 94704). These spots sometimes encircled with whitish or bluish coloured rings (Ref. 1878, 4904, 52923). One clear, black spot on operculum (Ref. 1878, 52923, 94703, 94704). Dorsal fin with black anterior margin and small black spots; anterior margin of anal fin is black. Other fins uniformly pale (Ref. 94703, 94704). Round, black spots along the lateral line (Ref. 1878, 52923, 94703, 9470
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiDjanjosi: gangliji tad-denb kemmxejn ogħla minn twila; lokata aktar posteriorly minn l-ispeċi Salmo oħra; denb aktar furkettati minn l-ispeċi Salmo oħra; 8-12 tond, iswed tikek (parr marki) dwar ' ġnub (Ref. 4904, 52923, 94703, 94704), li huma aktar prominenti fil-frieħ u li huma miżmuma fl-adulti (Ref. 55619). Għadd ta ' raker baxxa tal-garġi u tikek skuri fuq żewġ naħat tiddistingwih minn S. akairos; tkun differenti minn S. trutta fl-għadd vertebral ftit aktar baxx u l-għadd ta ' l-caeca mill-pyloric, u wara li l-parr marki aktar konspikwi; 10-11 ġwienaħ anal pterygiophores (Ref. 55619). 14-17 skali żgħar bejn adipose tad-denb u l-linja laterali (Ref. 1878, 52923, 55619).
Deskrizzjoni: għajn dijametru 3.5-4.5 x f ' HL u 1.0 sa 1.25 x fl-ispazju interorbitali sat (Ref. 52923). Ringiela doppju ta ' l-vomerine is-snien (Ref. 52923, 94703, 94704) f ' għamla żigżag (Ref. 1878, 3021, 52923). Xedaq żviluppati sew u snien palatine; maxillary testendi għal taħt tielet posterjuri ta ' l-għajnejn jew ftit lil hinn mill-marġini posterjuri ta ' l-għajnejn (Ref. 52923). Tul 4.0 tar-ras-4.5 x TL (Ref. 94703, 94704) jew 3.2-4.25 x fl-SL (Ref. 52923). Fond 3.3 tal-ġisem-4.3 x fl-SL (Ref. 52923). 13-14 denb upper procurrent raġġi; brachiostegals in-naħa tax-xellug ta ' l-10-12; 13-14 pterygiophores tad-denb gangliji (Ref. 55619). Skala formola 22-27/95-128/28-32 (Ref. 52923). Denb emarginate profondament fil-young, feebly fl-adulti (Ref. 52923).
Kolorazzjoni: lura huwa taż-żebbuġa fil-kannella, kulur isfar golden jew isfar-abjad taħt (Ref. 1878, 4904, 52923). Iswed żgħar (aħmar fil-ħajja) tikek fuq iż-żewġ naħat tal-ġisem (35-40 fuq kull naħa) simili għal l-ispeċi Salmo oħra (Ref. 94703, 94704). Dawn it-tikek xi kultant mdawwar b ' ċirku abjad jew marka fl-ikħal ikkulurit (Ref. 1878, 4904, 52923). Ċar, iswed tikka fuq operculum (Ref. 1878, 52923, 94703, 94704). Ġwienaħ gangliji b ' marġini anterjuri sewda u spots iswed żgħar; marġini anterjuri ta