BéarlaDiagnosis: length of caudal peduncle 0.6-0.9 times in its depth (Ref. 53405). Melanin pattern in mature fishes including black patches on lower parts of head, 4-7 vertical bars of irregular shape on flanks and bar on base of caudal; 1-4 black spots on basal part of dorsal fin, sometimes bounded by with white tilapia-mark; no conspicuous black tips at corners of caudal fin (Ref. 2).
Description: outer jaw teeth bicuspid, inner jaw teeth tricuspid, posterior teeth on pharnygeal bone bicuspid; lower pharyngeal bone long and narrow; micro-gillrakers present; scales cycloid (Ref. 53405).
Coloration: in life: ground colour silvery ; upper lip, snout, occiput and anterior part of back yellowish-green, lower lip white; some black spots just below lower lip, belly white; scales on sides grey-edged, with yellow spot at centre; grey scale margins confluent, forming some irregular black spots or vertical bars; dorsal, anal and caudal fins greyish, soft part of dorsal fin with some transparent spots; upper margin of dorsal and caudal fins yellow-orange; 1-3 black spots along base of soft part of dorsal fin; some black spots at base of caudal fin; anterior margin of pelvics yellowish-white (Ref. 53405).