ingliseInitial phase, color in life: upper half of head and body brown, with fine white dots, an indistinct whitish line from snout, passing over the eye and ending below posterior part of the dorsal fin; the lower half of body whitish, a broad brown stripe at the level of the lower pectoral-fin base and ending on the lower third of the caudal-fin base, the upper part of which with a dark brown spot about a size of the pupil. Terminal-phase male: body above a demarcation from the upper end of pectoral-fin base to lower part of caudal-fin base dark olive-brown, grading posteriorly to blackish color; beneath the pectoral fin across the upper abdomen is a broad, irregular, oblique blackish band; the ventral part of the body posterior to his band white; dorsal of head yellowish olive, ventral light yellowish green with a large dark blue-green area over the opercle and 2 blue lines; chin with a blue mark. 14-20 suborbital pores from behind the center of the eye to below front of orbit. Body depth, 3.1-3.45 in SL (Ref. 36378).
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eestiEsialgne etapp, elus värv: ülemine pool pea ja keha pruun, peene valge punktiga ebaselge valkjas joont kärss, ülesõit silma ja lõpetades allpool tagumises osas Rinnauim; Alumine pool keha valkjas, lai pruun triip madalama rinnauime base-ja sabauim baasi, ülemine osa kes tume pruun kohapeal umbes suur õpilane koos alumise kolmandiku lõpeb tasandil. Terminal-faasi mees: keha eespool piiritlemist: ülemises otsas rinnauime base madalama osa sabauim baasi olive-tumepruun, liigitamise tagantjärele mustjas värvi; kogu ülakõhus rinnauime all on lai, ebaregulaarne, kaldus mustjas ansambel; tagumine osa keha istmik tema bänd valge; rinna pea kollakas oliivide, tagumine hele kollakasroheline, koos suure tume sinakasroheline ala üle ning opercle ja 2 sinist liini; lõug sinine kaubamärgiga. 14-20 suborbital poorid taga silma alla orbit esiosa keskele. Keha sügavus 3,1-3,45 SL (viitenumber 36378).