Diagnosis: 9 or fewer rakers on lower limb of first arch; soft dorsal, anal and caudal fins dominantly red-brown, scattered with light spots; head profile very bulging; mouth subterminal or inferior; chest scales very small; 8-12 gill rakers; dorsal fin usually with 28-30 total rays; external teeth very large, robust; length of caudal peduncle 8.2-10.4% of standard length (Ref. 81260).
Description: head length 30.3-35.0% SL; lower pharyngeal jaw with curved anterior teeth and straight bicuspid posterior teeth; ventral keel much shorter than dentigerous plate; 3-9 rows of teeth in oral jaws, outer row teeth very robust, bicuspids (Ref. 81260).
Coloration: body ground coloration grey-white, bluish grey dorsally and on dorsum of head, pale white on chest and belly; 5-6 grey or grey-blue bars on the flanks; upper lip bluish, lower lip whitish; spinous dorsal fin anteriorly uniform grey becoming wine red posteriorly; soft dorsal red brown, with several rows of maculae; caudal fin red brown with rows of maculae; anal fin uniformly dark grey, posteriorly often red brown and maculate; pelvics dark grey, especially on leading edge; pectoral fins transparent (Ref. 81260).