IngliżDistinguished uniquely from its congeners in Europe by having trunk and caudal peduncle covered by a complete series of 29-35 bony scutes. Other characters important to separate this species from other species of the genus include posterior edge of scutes crenulated and scutes forming a lateral keel on caudal peduncle. Scutes may be missing on posterior part of trunk in hybrid zone with Gasterosteus gymnurus and in some isolated freshwater populations of northeastern Europe (Ref. 59043). Identified by the 3 to 4 sharp, free spines before the dorsal fin, the pelvic fin reduced to a sharp spine and a small ray, and the series of plates along the sides of the body (Ref. 27547). Gill rakers long and slender, 17 to 25 on the first arch or strictly freshwater forms, 1 or 2 more in anadromous forms; lateral line with microscopic pores (Ref. 27547). The anadromous form is fully plated, with up to 37 plates on the sides and a rather pronounced keel on each side of the caudal peduncle (Ref. 27547). Dorsal spines separated from each other and from the soft-rayed fins, each spine having a reduced membrane attached to its posterior side; anal spine free from rest of the fin; posterior margin of pectorals nearly truncate; caudal truncate to slightly indented (Ref. 27547). Freshwater forms usually mottled brown or greenish; anadromous forms silvery green to bluish black (Ref. 27547). A few isolated populations are black (Ref. 27547). Sides usually pale; belly yellow, white or silvery (Ref. 27547). Fins pale; pectoral rays often have dark dots (Ref. 27547). Breeding males (except for black forms) become brilliant bluish or green with blue or green eyes, and the forward part of the body, especially the breast region, turns bright red or orange (Ref. 27547). Caudal fin with 12 rays (Ref. 2196).
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiDistinti unikament mill-konġeneri fl-Ewropa minn wara li tat-tronk u kawdjali ma koperti minn serje sħiħa ta ' l-scutes bony 29-35. Karattri oħra importanti biex jisseparaw din l-ispeċi minn speċji oħra tal-ġenus jinkludu tarf posterjuri ta ' l-scutes crenulated u scutes li jiffurmaw a Prim angolat laterali fuq kawdjali ma. Scutes jista ' jkun nieqes fuq parti posterjuri ta trunk fiż-żona ta ' l-ibridi ma Gasterosteus gymnurus u xi ilma ħelu iżolat il-popolazzjonijiet tal-Ewropa northeastern (Ref. 59043). Identifikati mill-3 sa 4 li jaqtgħu, ħieles spines qabel l-gangliji tad-denb, il-ġwienaħ huwa mnaqqas għall-ispina jaqtgħu u a ray żgħar, u l-serje ta ' pjanċi matul il-ġnub tal-ġisem (Ref. 27547). Garġi rakers twil u rqiq, 17 sa 25 fuq l-ewwel arch jew formoli ta ' l-ilma ħelu strettament, 1 jew 2 aktar f'forom li; linja laterali ma-pori mikroskopiku (Ref. 27547). Il-forma li hija kompletament mgħottija, bi pjanċi sa 37 fuq il-ġnub u a Prim angolat pjuttost qawwija fuq kull naħa tal-kawdjali ma (Ref. 27547). Spines dorsali separati minn xulxin u mill-xewk soft-rayed, kull ispina wara li membrana mnaqqsa mehmuża man-naħa posterjuri tiegħu; l-ispina Anal ħielsa mill-bqija tal-ġwienaħ; marġini posterjuri ta ' l-pectorals kważi bil-ponta maqtugħa; kawdjali truncate li ftit f'riljiev (Ref. 27547). Formoli ta ' l-ilma ħelu normalment varjegat kannella jew fl-aħdar; Il-formoli li silvery aħdar għal blu iswed (Ref. 27547). Popolazzjonijiet iżolati ftit huma suwed (Ref. 27547). Naħat normalment ċass; ż-żaqq isfar, abjad jew silvery (Ref. 27547). Xewk ċass; raġġi pettorali spiss ikollhom tikek skuri (Ref. 27547). Irġiel tat-tgħammir (ħlief għall-formoli sewda) isiru jgħajjat blu jew aħdar mal-għajnejn blu jew aħdar, u l-parti ta ' quddiem tal-ġisem, speċjalment l-sider ir-reġjun, idawwar tleqq aħmar jew oranġjo (Ref. 27547). Denb b ' raġġi 12 (Ref. 2196).