BéarlaDiagnosis: length of rayed dorsal fin 27-36% standard length; 26-35 dorsal-fin rays; length of adipose fin 24-34% standard length; strong, downward-pointed serrations on the anterior part of the pectoral spine; width of vomerine tooth plate 25.0-32.2%, and width of premaxillary tooth plate 29.5-36.9% head length (ref. 57129). Posterior part of adipose fin blackish (Ref. 4967, 57129). Caudal fin with a whitish cross-bar (Ref. 57129). Head long, broad and somewhat rectangular in dorsal outline; snout broadly rounded; eyes superolateral in position; frontal fontanelle long and narrow; occipital fontanelle oval-shaped; tooth plates wide; suprabranchial organ well developed; pectoral spine strongly serrated on anterior side; caudal fin barred; openings of secondary canals hardly visible but display a regular pattern (Ref. 270).
Coloration: preserved specimens: grey, greyish-brown to dark brown on back and sides, and pale brown to whitish on belly; some individuals marbled, particularly on posterior part of body; caudal fin often crossed by several vertical bars, one of which is whitish, hind margin of fin often white-edged; posterior part of adipose fin darker than anterior part (Ref. 57129).