IngliżHead with straight profile, mouth relatively large; maxilla extending to below the anterior border of the eye; the eye relatively large with somewhat dorsolateral position; ventral outline of the body straight (Ref. 47362). Dorsal fin originating directly above the vertical of the posterior end of the operculum; posterior end of dorsal fin pointed; pectoral fin pointed; ventral fin usually reaching the vent; caudal fin truncate (Ref. 47362). Caudal peduncle as long as deep or a little deeper than long (Ref. 47362). Scales not denticulate (Ref. 47362). Unicuspid and bicuspid teeth present on the lower jaw; lower pharyngeal bone width 164% of its length (Ref. 47362).
General body colour, the groundcolour, bright grey or yellowish on the lateral sides and blackish dorsolaterally; the ventral surface rosy or blackish reddens (Ref. 47362). Nine wide vertical black bars consisting of 7 bars along the flanks extending from the back ventrally about 2/3 way beyond the midline and of two head bars; the posterior head bar extending ventrally till just above the dorsal edge of the operculum, the anterior head bar short lying dorsal to the vertical of the posterior end of the eye; two longitudinal dark stripes present, the dorsal one extending from the ventral margin of the posterior head bar till the end of the dorsal fin base, the medial stripe running nearly along the midline of the flank from the dorsal hind edge of the operculum to the base of the caudal fin (Ref. 47362). Dorsal fin with or without tilapia mark; dorsal, anal and pelvic fins with black colour; caudal fin black with blackish outer edge; the pectoral fin colourless; black opercular spot present (Ref. 47362).
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiTar-ras mal-profil dritta, ħalq relattivament kbar; maxilla li jestendi għal taħt il-konfini anterjuri tal-għajnejn; l-għajn relattivament kbir mal-pożizzjoni xi ftit dorsolateral; bridges profil tal-ġisem dritta (Ref. 47362). Ġwienaħ gangliji li joriġinaw direttament fuq mill-vertikali ta ' l-aħħar posterjuri ta ' l-operculum; tmiem posterjuri tal-ġwienaħ gangliji bil-ponta; ġwienaħ mhux bil-ponta; ventral tad-denb normalment jilħaq il-ventilatur; bil-ponta maqtugħa-denb (Ref. 47362). Kemm fil-fond jew a ftit aktar profond kawdjali ma minn twila (Ref. 47362). Skali mhux denticulate (Ref. 47362). Unicuspid u bicuspid snien preżenti fuq il-xedaq t'isfel; baxxi għadam pharyngeal wisgħa 164% tat-tul tagħha (Ref. 47362).
Korp ġenerali tal-kulur, l-groundcolour, griża tleqq jew isfar fuq il-ġnub laterali u fl-iswed dorsolaterally; il-wiċċ bridges rosy jew fl-iswed reddens (Ref. 47362). Strixxi suwed wiesgħa vertikali disa li jikkonsisti ta ' bars 7 matul il-ġnub li jestendu mid-dahar ventrally madwar 2/3 mod lil hinn mill-linja tan-nofs u żewġ strixxi prinċipali; il-Kap posterjuri bar li jestendi sad ventrally eżatt fuq it-tarf dorsali tal-operculum, il-Kap anterjuri bar qasir li tinsab dorsali għall-vertikali ta ' l-aħħar posterjuri ta ' l-għajnejn; żewġ istrixxi skur lonġitudinali jippreżentaw, dorsali dak li jestendi mill-marġini bridges ta ' l-istrixxa prinċipali posterjuri sa l-aħħar tal-ġwienaħ gangliji bażi, l-strixxa medika jaħdem kważi matul il-linja tan-nofs tal-koxxa mit-tarf billi dorsali tal-operculum li l-bażi tad-denb (Ref. 47362). Ġwienaħ gangliji bi jew mingħajr il-marka tilapia; xewk dorsali, anal u pelviċi bil kulur iswed; denb iswed mat-tarf fuq barra fl-iswed; il-ġwienaħ mhux mingħajr kulur; post opercular sewda jippreżentaw (Ref. 47362).