BéarlaDiagnosis: last simple dorsal-fin ray denticulate on hind margin; gape of mouth extending beyond vertical line from anterior eye margin; scale formula 4.5-5.5/28-32/4.5; 2.5-3 scales between lateral line and pelvic-fin base; 12-14 scales around caudal peduncle; 7 branched dorsal fin rays; anterior barbel reaching to, or extending beyond, posterior half of eye; posterior barbel extending beyond hind margin of eye; lateral line complete and weakly depressed below dorsal fin; maximum reported size 71 mm SL (Ref. 2940, 81282).
Description: medium-sized species, convex dorsal profile; mouth subterminal, its angle located below anterior third of eye; cephalic pores indistinct; two pairs of rather long barbels; outer margin dorsal fin straight, last simple dorsal-fin ray partly ossified and denticulate distally on behind margin; gill rakers short; D:III,7; A:III,5; P:13-15; V:I,7-8 (Ref. 2940, 81282)
Coloration: body yellowish in life, with dorsal- and caudal-fin lobes marked with red in adults, other fins colorless; longitudinal series of large, black spots above lateral line, varying in number from 2 to 8, and not always following same pattern on both sides; spots located before level of dorsal-fin origin and on caudal peduncle seem to be permanent (Ref. 2940, 81282).