angleščinaDiagnosis: Large specimens of Dasyatis centroura are recognizable by their thorny tails, by the large size and wide spacing spacing of their mid-dorsal bucklers, and by the conspicuous tubercles or bucklers on the outer parts of their discs; in smaller specimens the large tubercles have not yet developed on the tail (Ref. 6902). It differs from Dasyatis sabina, D. guttata and Himantura schmardae in the shape of disc; it resembles Dasyatis say and D. americana in shape of disc, but it can be distinguished from D. say by the fact that the tail lacks any trace of a cutaneous fold above, and from D. americana by its much narrower ventral tailfold (Ref. 6902).
Description: A very large stingray; disc rhombic, the anterior margins forming a blunt angle (Ref. 6902, 39859, 81259). Dorsal surface entirely, but irregularly rough, with a mid-dorsal row of large thorny tubercles provided with striate bases and erect cusps; a few similar tubercles scattered over pectoral fins and head (Ref. 81259). Tail whip-like and strongly spinous, with numerous rows of small spines; tail with a short dorsal ridge behind the sting and a poorly developed ventral fold, which is long long, but quite low and not easily seen (Ref. 7251).
Colouration: Dorsal side dark brown to olivaceous-brown; the lower surface whitish, with or without dark pectoral margins; tail blackish behind the sting (Ref. 6902, 81259).
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slovenščinaDiagnoza: Veliki primerki Dasyatis centroura so prepoznavni z repi sporno, velikosti in široko razmik razmik svoje sredine hrbtni bucklers, in z vidno tubercles ali bucklers na zunanjih delih plošče; v manjši osebki velikih tubercles še niso razvili na rep (Ref. 6902). To se razlikuje od Dasyatis sabina, D. guttata in Himantura schmardae v obliki diska; spominja na Dasyatis reči in D. americana v obliki diska, vendar jo je mogoče razlikovati od D. reči z dejstvom, da rep nima nobenih sledi kožna pokrovèek zgoraj, in od D. americana , s svojo veliko ožji trebušno tailfold (Ref. 6902).
Opis: Zelo veliko stingray; disk kot, sprednji robovi, ki tvori topi kot (Ref. 6902, 39859, 81259). Hrbtni površini celoti pa nepravilno grobo, s sredine hrbtni vrsto velikih sporno tubercles z striate baze in pokončna roglja; nekaj podobno tubercles raztresene prsnih plavuti in glave (Ref. 81259). Bič-všeč in močno ekstremitete, s številnimi vrstic majhne bodice; rep s kratko hrbtni greben za želo in slabo razvite ventralni krat, ki je dolgo, vendar precej nizka in ni enostavno videli (Ref. 7251).
Obarvanost: Hrbtne strani temno rjave do olivaceous-rjavo; spodnji površini, belkasta, z ali brez temno prsno robove; rep črnkaste zadaj želo (Ref. 6902, 81259).