IngliżDiagnosis: body rather elevated (body depth 46.9-51.6% SL) (Ref. 53405). Head profile rounded (Ref. 81260). Outer teeth on jaws bicuspid (Ref. 53405), gracile (Ref. 81260) and spatulated (Ref. 53405, 81260). Lower pharyngeal jaw teeth relatively small and narrow near posterior border of bone, forming an almost felt-like covering (Ref. 81260). Micro-gillrakers present; adults (> 150 mm) with a series of dark blotches in the middle of the flanks (sometimes body entirely blackish) (Ref. 53405, 81260). Juveniles with 7-9 large vertical bands (Ref. 53405). Ventral scales with central red spot; 12 or more rakers on lower limb of first gill arch (Ref. 81260).
Description: head length 29.7-34.7% SL; 3-6 rows of teeth on both oral jaws, outer row teeth bicuspid and spatulate (Ref. 81260). Lower pharyngeal bone as long as broad, length of toothed part 46.9-55.7% of total bone length (Ref. 53405). Anterior pharyngeal teeth tricuspid (Ref. 53405, 81260) and strongly recurved (Ref. 81260), posterior pharyngeal teeth bicuspid (Ref. 53405, 81260) and straight (Ref. 81260), not broadened (Ref. 53405). Scales cycloid (Ref. 53405).
Coloration: in life: juveniles: ground colour yellowish; belly whitish, sometimes reddish, back and top of head brownish-yellow; sides and caudal peduncle with 7-9 broad, brownish-black cross bars; dark bar on occiput and gill cover and another one between eyes and on cheek; dorsal, anal and caudal fins yellow-brown, showing same pattern of bars as on body, anal fin darker distally; pelvic fins yellowish, their anterior margins brownish (Ref. 53405, 81260). Adults have 2 different colour patterns: 1) back, sides and fins entirely black, with very narrow red edge along upper margins of dorsal and caudal fins 2) spotted pattern consisting of yellow ground colour becoming greenish on back and olive-green on top of head (Ref. 53405). In both forms, belly white; sides and caudal peduncle with 5-6 distinct mid-lateral black spots, more close-set on caudal pedunc
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Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiDjanjosi: korp pjuttost titrat elevat (korp fond 46.9-51.6% SL) (Ref. 53405). Profil ras smina (Ref. 81260). Snien fuq barra fuq bicuspid ix-xedaq (Ref. 53405), gracile (Ref. 81260) u spatulated (Ref. 53405, 81260). Aktar baxx pharyngeal xedaq snien relattivament żgħar u dejjaq ħdejn il-fruntiera posterjuri ta ' l-għadam, li jifforma xi li jkopri kważi pannu simili (Ref. 81260). Jippreżentaw il-mikro-gillrakers; adulti (> 150 mm) b ' sensiela ta ' blotches skur fin-nofs tal-ġnub (xi kultant korp għal kollox iswed) (Ref. 53405, 81260). Frieħ mal-vertikali-faxex kbar tal-7-9 (Ref. 53405). L-iskali bridges bil aħmar ċentrali fuq il-post; rakers 12 jew iktar fuq limb aktar baxxi ta ' l-ewwel garġi arch (Ref. 81260).
Deskrizzjoni: tul ewlieni 29.7-34.7% SL; 3-6 fillieri ta ' snien fuq iż-żewġ xedaq orali, snien filliera fuq barra bicuspid u spatulate (Ref. 81260). Aktar baxx pharyngeal għadam kemm wiesgħa, it-tul tal-parti toothed 46.9-55.7% tat-tul totali ta ' l-għadam (Ref. 53405). Snien anterjuri pharyngeal tricuspid (Ref. 53405, 81260) u recurved bil-qawwi (Ref. 81260), posterjuri pharyngeal snien bicuspid (Ref. 53405, 81260) u dritta (Ref. 81260), ma tiġi (Ref. 53405). Skali cycloid (Ref. 53405).
Kolorazzjoni: fil-ħajja: frieħ: art kulur isfar; ż-żaqq lura abjad, kultant ħamrani, u l-quċċata tal-ras brownish-isfar; naħat u kawdjali ma b ' wiesgħa ta ' 7-9, brownish iswed Salib bars; bar mudlam fuq occiput u l-kopertura tal-garġi u wieħed ieħor bejn l-għajnejn u fuq ħaddejn; xewk dorsali, anal u kawdjali isfar fil-kannella, li juri l-istess mudell ta ' bars bħala fuq il-korp, tad-denb anal aktar skur distally; huwa xewk safrani, tagħhom anterjuri marġini brownish (Ref. 53405, 81260). Adulti kienu mudelli ta ' kulur differenti 2: 1) lura, naħat u xewk kompletament suwed, mat-tarf dejjaq ħafna aħmar matul il-marġini ta ' għolja ta ' xewk dorsali u kawdjali 2) mmarkati mudell li jikkonsisti ta ' kulur isfar art qed issir ħadrani fuq tad-dahar u olive-green fuq ras (Ref.