BéarlaDiagnosis: 20-24 rakers on lower limb of first arch; length of lower pharyngeal jaw < 43.5% of head length; 27-30 scales in lateral line; head length 33.6-39.5% of standard length; total dorsal rays (including spines) 24-27 (Ref. 81260). Color in life is silver-grey, darker on back, whitish below with a series of pink spots along flank, one to each scale; genital papilla small and leaf-shaped in male, truncate in female; tips of dorsal soft rays reaching vertical of 0.25 to 0.75 length of caudal, anal not quite so far; pelvic extremity reaching vent or nearly (Ref. 2).
Description: head length 33.6-39.5% SL; lower pharyngeal jaw with unicuspid anterior teeth and larger straight posterior teeth; ventral keel very elongate, longer than dentigerous plate; 2-6 rows of teeth in oral jaws, outer row teeth bicuspid (Ref. 81260).
Coloration: silvery grey, darker dorsally and pale to white ventrally; body scales with central clear spot, tinted pale pink; scale spots sometimes forming longitudinal rosy lines; upper part of head, snout and upper lip smoky grey; lower lip, half of cheek, chin and chest whitish; dorsal, anal and caudal fins uniform grey; pelvics whitish to transparent, pectoral fins transparent (Ref. 81260).