IngliżAlbula gilberti is distinguished from A. esuncula by the following characters: the pelvic-fin tip reach the posterior edge of the anus (vs. tip not surpassing the anterior edge); pelvic-fin rays varies from 9 to 12 (vs. always 10); lateral-line scale counts 68-73 (vs. 68-71); and, gill rakers on first gill arch are higher, 4-10 (vs. 3-8). Since only four or nine specimens were examined for A. esuncula, the diagnostic value of the meristic differences between both species and the position of the pelvic-fin tip should not be considered validated yet and be used with caution. Albula gilberti also differs from A. esuncula by diagnostic nucleotide substitutions at 17 different sites in the 544 bp cytb gene segment; the cytb segment corresponds to nucleotide positions 14502-15045 in the complete mitochondrial genome of Albula glossodonta [GenBank accession no. AP002973; phylogenetic evidence suggests that the genome sequenced was actually from A. argentea (= A. forsteri) and not A. glossodonta (Pfeiler et al., 2006)] (Ref. 88068).
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Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiAlbula gilberti huwa distint minn A. esuncula mill-karattri li ġejjin: il-ponta pelviku denbu tilħaq it-tarf posterjuri ta ' l-anus (vs. ponta ma avvanz-tarf anterjuri); raġġi pelviku denbu tvarja minn 9 sa 12 (vs. dejjem 10); l-iskala tal-linja laterali għadd 68-73 (vs. 68-71); u, rakers tal-garġi fuq l-ewwel garġi arch huma ogħla, 4-10 (vs. 3-8). Minħabba li kampjuni biss erba jew disa kienu eżaminati għall- A. esuncula, il-valur fid-dijanjosi tad-differenzi meristic bejn kemm l-ispeċi u l-pożizzjoni tal-ponta pelviku denbu ma għandhomx jitqiesu validati għadu u jintuża b'kawtela. Albula gilberti ukoll tvarja minn A. esuncula nucleotide dijanjostiċi sostituzzjonijiet f'siti differenti 17-544 bp cytb tal-ġene is-segment; is-segment cytb jikkorrispondi għal pożizzjonijiet tan-nukleotide 14502-15045 fil-genome post-mitokondrjali komplet ta ' Albula glossodonta [GenBank-adeżjoni Nru. AP002973; evidenza phylogenetic tissuġġerixxi li l-ġenomu sekwenzat kien fil-fatt minn A. argentea (= A. forsteri) u ma A. glossodonta (Pfeiler et al., 2006)] (Ref. 88068).