ingliseEtmopterus sculptus is a moderately large, stout, species of linear-denticled Etmopterus, which separates it from most other members of this genus, and can be distinguished from its three closest congeners within the E. Lucifer-group, E. brachyurus, E. lucifer, and E. molleri, by the length of its anterior flank markings being slightly longer than its posterior branch. The posterior branch of the flank markings on E. brachyurus and E. molleri are shorter relative to the anterior branch, and in E. lucifer, the anterior branch is nearly twice the length of the posterior branch. The new species can also be distinguished from its closest congeners by the arrangement of dermal denticles that extend over most of the upper and lower body surface. Etmopterus sculptus possesses non-overlapping denticles, giving it a rougher, more sculpted texture than these other aforementioned species. The arrangement of the dermal denticles onthe ventral head surface is also a good character for separating these species, with E. sculptus having uniformly distributed denticles while the ventral surface of E. Lucifer and E. molleri is sparsely covered with denticles. The ventral surface of the head of E. brachyurus typically lacks dermal denticles (Ref. 87957).
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eestiEtmopterus sculptus on mõõdukalt suur, stout, liikidest lineaarse denticled Etmopterus, mis eraldab ta suurema osa selle perekonna liikmete ja saab eristada selle kolme lähim analoogide maksimaalselt E. Lucifer-rühma, E. brachyurus, E. luciferja E. molleriselle anterior kubemetükk märgistused on veidi pikem kui istmik filiaali pikkuse järgi. Istmik filiaali kubemetükk teekatte E. brachyurus ja E. molleri on lühem võrreldes anterior filiaali E. luciferon anterior filiaali peaaegu kaks pikkust istmik filiaal. Uued liigid ka eristub oma lähimate analoogide kokkupandavate naha denticles, mis ulatuvad üle kõige ülemise ja alumise kehapinnast. Etmopterus sculptus valdab mittekattuvate denticles, andes talle karmimad, rohkem skulptor tekstuur kui need eespool loetletud. Tagumine pea pinnal naha kaudu denticles on ka hea iseloom erinevateks vaktsineerinud, millel ühtlaselt jaotatud denticles, kuigi tagumine pind E. Lucifer ja E. molleri on hõredalt kaetud denticles E. sculptus . Juhataja E. brachyurus tagumine pind puudub tavaliselt naha kaudu denticles (viitenumber 87957).