BéarlaDiagnosis: upper profile of head strongly convex; lower pharyngeal bone about as long as broad, and with anterior lamella shorter than toothed area (Ref. 53405). 10 or fewer rakers on lower limb of first arch; unpaired fins not predominantly red-brown; mouth terminal; 29-30 scales on lateral line; outer row teeth robust (Ref. 81260). Dorsal fin with 14-16 spines and 12-13 soft rays (total rays 27-29) (Ref. 53405, 81260). Anal fin with 3 spines and 8-10 soft rays; caudal fin weakly covered with scales at base or entirely membranous (Ref. 81260). Caudal without spots, grey on upper lobe, yellow on lower; large vertical stripes weakly pronounced on flanks; flank scales with a blackish mark at base (Ref. 53405, 81260). No bifurcated dark vertical bars on flanks; dorsal and anal without orange-red upper margin (Ref. 53405). Length of caudal peduncle 10.5-12.9% of standard length (Ref. 81260).
Description: head length 29.7-34.1% SL (Ref. 81260). Lower pharyngeal jaw with unicuspid curved anterior teeth (Ref. 81260) and tricuspid posterior teeth (Ref. 53405, 81260). Ventral keel shorter than dentigerous plate (Ref. 81260). 3-6 rows of teeth in oral jaws (Ref. 81260), outer row teeth, bicuspid, not spatulate (Ref. 53405, 81260), inner jaw teeth tricuspid (Ref. 53405). Micro-gillrakers present; scales cycloid (Ref. 53405).
Coloration: in life: ground color silvery, changing to whitish on belly and to yellowish-green on back and top of head; all scales on sides with black spot at base; sides with 6-8 rather indistinct darker cross bars; upper surface of snout dark green; lower lip, breast and belly white; dorsal fin greyish to transparent, with distinct "tilapia spot", and some light lines between spines and on soft part, as well as some dark and light bands or light round spots; caudal fin unspotted, its upper part greyish and lower yellowish; anal fin greyish, its distal margin darker; pelvics greyish to blackish, white-edged anteriorly; pectoral fins transparent or sometim