IngliżThe carapace has the median teeth before the crevical groove blunt and inconspicuous: the rostral tooth is reduced to a tubercle, the pregastric tooth is replaced by a double row of 1 or 2 tubercles and a few inconspicuous median tubercles. The gastric tooth is the most conspicuous, it isbroad and blunt and bears a double row of tubercles. The surface of the carapace is very uneven and the tubercles are high. Between the postrostral and branchial carinae there are a few tubercles and many smooth areas. The abdomen shows a distinct median longitudinal carina on somites 2 to 5, that of somite 3 is by far the highest, and (like the one fo somite 4) bears numerous tubercles laterally. Somite 1 is quite smooth, and has the transverse groove only slightly noticeable in the extreme lateral parts. The exposed part of the following somites show no arborescent pattern, but in each somite there is a wide transverse groove there. In somite 2, both before and behind this groove there is a perfectly smooth broad ridge, a character in which the species differs from most others. In the following somites these ridges are tuberculate. In somites 4 to 6 the posterior margin is tuberculate. The fourth antennal segment has a sharp and high oblique median carina. Outside the carina the upper surface of the segment shows a row of tubercles. The outer margin of the segment bears 4 or 5 teeth (apical tooth of the segment not included), the inner margin has 5 to 7 teeth of irregular size. The anterior margin of the thoracic sternum is deeply U-shapedly incised. Each of the thoracic sternites bears a rounded median tubercle. The dactyli of pereiopods 3 to 5 show two short fringes of hair each. Colour: the dorsal surface of the body is greyish or purplish brown with darker spots. The distal segment of the antenna is often lighter. The first abdominal somite shows dorsally often a dark blue colour (Ref. 252).
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiIl-qoxra tkun il-medjan snien qabel ma l-injama crevical ċatt u inconspicuous: l-dfir rostral huwa mnaqqas għall-tubercle, l-dfir pregastric hija mibdula b'dan filliera doppja tal-tubercles 1 jew 2 u tubercles medjan inconspicuous ftit. L-dfir gastriċi huwa l-aktar li tidher, hija isbroad u ċatt u jġorr filliera doppja tal-tubercles. Il-wiċċ tal-qoxra hi irregolari ħafna u l-tubercles huma għolja. Bejn l-carinae postrostral u branchial hemm tubercles ftit u ħafna żoni bla xkiel. Iż-żaqq turi a Emanuel lonġitudinali medjan distinti fuq somites 2 sa 5, dak tal-somite 3 huwa facli l-ogħla, u (bħall-wieħed fo somite 4) iġorr tubercles numerużi lateralment. Somite 1 hu pjuttost lixx, u ma l-injama trasversali biss ftit notevoli fil-partijiet laterali estremi. Il-parti esposti tal-somites li ġejjin juru l-ebda mudell Matorral tal, imma kull somite ikun hemm a injama wiesgħa trasversali hemm. Fil-somite 2, kemm qabel u wara l-injama dan hemm a ridge wiesgħa perfettament lixxi, karattru li fih l-ispeċi hija differenti mill-ħafna oħrajn. Fl-somites li ġejjin dawn ħniek huma tuberculate. Fil-somites 4 sa 6 il-marġini posterjuri huwa tuberculate. Is-segment antennal ir-raba ' tkun a qawwi u għoli oblikwu medjan Emanuel. Barra l-wiċċ upper tas-segment Emanuel turi filliera ta tubercles. Il-marġini fuq barra tas-segment iġorr 4 jew 5 snien (dfir apical tas-segment mhumiex inklużi), il-marġini ta ' ġewwa għandu 5 sa 7 snien ta ' daqs irregolari. Il-marġini anterjuri ta ' l-isternu tat-toraċi hija profondament U-shapedly inċiża. Kull wieħed mill-sternites tat-toraċi iġorr a tubercle medjana fit-tond. L-dactyli tal-pereiopods 3 sa 5 juru żewġ fringes qasir ta ' kull xagħar. Kulur: il-wiċċ tad-dahar tal-korp huwa fil-griż jew tikek kannella bi spots aktar skur. Il-ħofra tas-segment ta ' l-antenna, huwa spiss lajter. L-ewwel somite abdominali dorsali spiss turi kulur blu skur (Ref. 252).