angleščinaThe carapace has the median teeth before the crevical groove blunt and inconspicuous: the rostral tooth is reduced to a tubercle, the pregastric tooth is replaced by a double row of 1 or 2 tubercles and a few inconspicuous median tubercles. The gastric tooth is the most conspicuous, it isbroad and blunt and bears a double row of tubercles. The surface of the carapace is very uneven and the tubercles are high. Between the postrostral and branchial carinae there are a few tubercles and many smooth areas. The abdomen shows a distinct median longitudinal carina on somites 2 to 5, that of somite 3 is by far the highest, and (like the one fo somite 4) bears numerous tubercles laterally. Somite 1 is quite smooth, and has the transverse groove only slightly noticeable in the extreme lateral parts. The exposed part of the following somites show no arborescent pattern, but in each somite there is a wide transverse groove there. In somite 2, both before and behind this groove there is a perfectly smooth broad ridge, a character in which the species differs from most others. In the following somites these ridges are tuberculate. In somites 4 to 6 the posterior margin is tuberculate. The fourth antennal segment has a sharp and high oblique median carina. Outside the carina the upper surface of the segment shows a row of tubercles. The outer margin of the segment bears 4 or 5 teeth (apical tooth of the segment not included), the inner margin has 5 to 7 teeth of irregular size. The anterior margin of the thoracic sternum is deeply U-shapedly incised. Each of the thoracic sternites bears a rounded median tubercle. The dactyli of pereiopods 3 to 5 show two short fringes of hair each. Colour: the dorsal surface of the body is greyish or purplish brown with darker spots. The distal segment of the antenna is often lighter. The first abdominal somite shows dorsally often a dark blue colour (Ref. 252).
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slovenščinaKoša je vzdolžno zob pred crevical groove topi in neopazne: rostralnog zob zmanjša je tubercle, pregastric zob nadomesti dvoredni 1 ali 2 tubercles in nekaj neopazne vzdolžno tubercles. Želodca zob je najbolj viden, ga isbroad in topim in nosi dvoredni tubercles. Površini koša je zelo neenakomerno in tubercles so visoke. Med postrostral in branchial Gredlja obstaja nekaj tubercles in veliko gladke površine. Trebuha prikazuje različna srednjo vzdolžno carina na somites 2 do 5, ki od somite 3 je daleč največji, in (kot ena fo somite 4) nosi številne tubercles bočno. Somite 1 je zelo gladka, in je le rahlo opazne prečni utor v skrajnih stranskih delih. Izpostavljen del naslednje somites ni Drevesasta sklerofilna vzorec, ampak v vsakem somite je široko prečno groove tam. V somite 2, pred in za ta utor je popolnoma gladko širokem slemenu, lik, v katerem vrste se razlikuje od večine drugih. V naslednjih somites teh slemenih so tuberculate. V somites 4 do 6 se tuberculate posterior meja. Četrti antennal segment ima ostre in visoke vzdolžno poševno carina. Zunaj carina na zgornji površini segmenta kaže vrsto tubercles. Zunanji rob segmentu nosi 4 ali 5 zob (apical zob segmenta, ki niso vključeni), notranji rob je 5 do 7 zob nepravilne velikosti. Sprednjem robu prsne prsnice globoko U shapedly zarezati. Vsak od prsnega koša sternites nosi zaobljenimi vzdolžno tubercle. Dactyli pereiopods 3 do 5 kažejo dve kratki robu lase vsak. Barva: hrbtni površini telesa je sivkasto ali škrlatno rjave temnejše lise. Distalni del antene je pogosto lažje. Prvi trebušni somite kaže dorsally pogosto temno modro barvo (Ref. 252).