ΑγγλικάDiagnosis: lower pharyngeal bone about as long as broad, with anterior lamella shorter than toothed area; median pharyngeal teeth not broadened; dorsal and caudal fins densily blotched; dorsal fin with 13-15 spines and 14-17 soft rays (mean 14.15); 9-12 lower gill-rakers (Ref. 53405).
Description: body rather deep, its depth 46.3-55.3% of standard length; outer jaw teeth bicuspid and non-spatulate, inner jaw teeth tricuspid, posterior pharyngeal teeth tricuspid, median pharyngeal teeth not broadened; micro-gillrakers present; scales cycloid (Ref. 53405).
Coloration: in life: ground colour silvery, tinged with bluish-green on sides and greyish-green on back; top of snout and head grey to greyish-green, upper lip and corners of lower lip bluish-green; anterior part of lower lip, as well as throat and belly, whitish; dark bar from eye to corner of mouth; scales on sides with dark bar at base, dorsal scales dark-edged and lighter (greyish-green) at centre, giving a spotted pattern; pectoral fins transparent; dorsal fin dark grey, covered with numerous transparent or whitish round spots which are larger and aligned in 3-4 oblique series on spinous part, smaller and more numerous on soft part; indistinct outline of "tilapian" spot visible in adults; distal margin of dorsal fin dark grey to blackish; caudal fin white-spotted like dorsal, but with dark hind margin; pelvic fins black; anal fin blackish distally, white-spotted proximally; in subadults, distal margin of dorsal fin sometimes dark red but occasionally entire dorsal and caudal fins may be reddish (Ref. 53405).