IngliżDescription: This sea-anemone presents 2 forms, of different aspect and living distinct biotopes, called ecotypes. Ecotype I: 70 to 192 tentacles (in the majority of the cases, this number is included/understood between 142 and 148); Pedal disc of a diameter from 2 to 5 cm. Type II: higher proportions, since it has approximately 192 tentacles and more (even up to 348), with a pedal disc of about 15 cm in diameter. Vertical size, tentacles included/understood: 50 cm. At these 2 ecotypes, the tentacles, with a size of approximately 20 cm, are length higher to the diameter of the oral disc; they are very fine and mobile, but not very contractile. They are laid out in 6 concentric crowns around the siphonoglyphe, and are thinned gradually. Colorings of the 2 types are conditioned by the presence or the absence of symbiotic algae; and are of this fact very fluctuating: white with the tone greens; while passing by the gray and the brown one. Their end frequently raises a bulge of color violet (Ref. 358).
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiDeskrizzjoni: Dan il-baħar-anemone jippreżenta forom 2, ta ' l-aspett differenti u ħajja BIJOTOPI distinti, imsejjaħ ekotipi. Ecotype I: 70 għall-192 tentacles (fil-maġġoranza tal-każijiet, dan in-numru huwa inkluż/mifhum bejn 142 u 148); Diska pedala ta ' dijametru minn 2 biex ċm 5. tip II: proporzjonijiet ogħla, peress li huwa kien madwar 192 tentacles u aktar (anke sa 348), b'diska pedala ta ' madwar 15-il ċm fid-dijametru. Daqs vertikali, tentacles inklużi/mifhum: 50 ċm. F ' dawn ekotipi 2, l-tentacles, b'daqs ta ' madwar 20 cm, huma tul ogħla mad-diametru tad-diska bil-fomm; dawn huma rqaq ħafna u mobbli, imma ma contractile ħafna. Dawn huma stabbiliti fl-kuruni konċentriku 6 madwar l-siphonoglyphe, u huma mraqqaq gradwalment. Colorings tat-tipi 2 huma kkondizzjonati mill-preżenza jew in-nuqqas ta ' alka simbjotiċi; u huma ta ' dan il-fatt ħafna varjaw: abjad mal-ħodor ton; waqt li tgħaddi mill-griż u l-kannella wieħed. L-iskop tagħhom spiss iqajjem a bulge ta ' kulur vjola (Ref. 358).