IngliżCarapace less than twice as broad as long; 9 stout teeth on strongly arched anterolateral margin, all except outer orbital tooth and short lateral spine usually swept forward; front bearing 4 well-developed teeth (excluding inner orbital angles). Coarse scattered and transverse lines of granules on convex dorsal surface. Pincers robust, ridges and crests coarsely granulate; fifth legs flattened form of paddles. Male with T-shaped abdomen reaching posterior quarter of thoracic sternite 4; first pleopods reaching slightly beyond suture between thoracic sternites 6 and 7, sinuously curved, overlapping proximally, diverging distally to tips curved abruptly inward, armed distally with scattered minute spinules. Color: adult male dorsally purplish red, more accented on proto-, meso-, and metagastric areas and at base of lateral spines and anterolateral teeth; branchial region and anterolateral teeth obscure maroon; dorsal surface of all legs purplish red with intense orange red on articulations; inferior portions of merus, carpus, and fingers of chelipeds intense violet; internal and external portion of chelae as well as remaining ventral aspect of animal white with tints of soft purple.
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiQoxra inqas minn darbtejn kif wiesgħa bħala twila; is-snien stout 9 fuq marġini ta ' anterolateral arched b'mod qawwi, kollha ħlief tad orbitali fuq barra u l-ispina laterali qasir normalment miknusa quddiem; quddiem li jkollhom snien żviluppati 4 (esklużi l-angoli orbitali fuq ġewwa). Linji rozzi imxerrda u trasversali ta ' granuli fuq superfiċi convex dorsali. Mqassijiet robusta, ħniek u crests likurizja mill; saqajn ħames iċċattjati forma ta ' paddles. Raġel b ' żaqq b'forma ta ' T jintlaħaq kwart posterjuri ta ' l-sternite tat-toraċi 4; ewwel pleopods jintlaħaq xi ftit lil hinn tas-sutura bejn sternites tat-toraċi 6 u 7, sinuously fit-tond, proximally, overlapping diverġenti distally sa truf fit-tond jkuun proċessar l ġewwa, armati distally b ' spinules minuta imxerrda. Kulur: aħmar fil-vjola dorsali maskili adulti, aktar l-apparat fuq il-proto-, nofsana, u żoni metagastric u fuq bażi ta ' l-spines laterali u anterolateral is-snien; reġjun branchial u snien anterolateral toskurax maroon; wiċċ dorsali ta kollha saqajn tikek ħomor ma intens oranġjo fl-aħmar fuq il-articulations; porzjonijiet inferjuri ta ' merus, il-karpu u swaba ta chelipeds vjola intens; porzjon interni u esterni ta ' l-chelae kif ukoll l-aspett bridges rimanenti ta ' l-annimal abjad b ' żebgħa tax ta ' vjola artab.